New Docker images for ApiOpenStudio!

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The latest off the hot-press: We have finalised and published the docker creation pipelines. This now means that you will continually have the latest version of ApiOpenStudio Core and Admin images at your fingertips.

The images are very fast and easy to install and completely self-contained (server and all requirements, including Composer dependencies). That means that you do not need to install any infrastructure on a barebones server, except for Docker, config file and SSL certificates. See:

The scripts are configured to generate images from tags or any branches we want to release (this includes develop/master branches and any development branches that we deem necessary for testing).

Full documentation of the installation process is available on our wiki at:

The scripts are available at the GitLab docker repository (Core and Admin), and I’ve also taken a little time out to post a gist of one of the scripts that others may find useful (download a specified branch or tag from a GitLab or GitHub into a location) at


  • John

    He is a developer with 20 years experience. He decided that he didn't want to follow a management track and is now a technical lead, leading and inspiring new developers.

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